Friday, March 05, 2010

Berry Good

I made some blueberry muffin/cupcakes today using yellow cake mix. Not too much of a recipe, I just added 1 cup of frozen blueberries to the mix, 3 tablespoons of whey protein, 2 tablespoons of benefiber (gotta pretend it's kind of healthy) and 1/2 cup white chocolate chips to half of the muffin cakes. Then I mixed and baked according to the instructions on the box. All the blueberries sank to the bottom of the muffin cakes when they were done baking. It looked like the muffin cakes had collapsed halfway through the baking process. What happened to the muffin cakes with the white chocolate chips? The cocoa butter acted like regular butter and just melted into the mix, which made for a kind of greasy muffin cake. I topped off the cakes with a lemon orange glaze, recipe below:

Here's the muffin cake with an orange glaze:MMM! The muffin cakes are incredibly tender and feel like they'll fall apart at a moments notice. The glaze was VERY tart by itself, but complemented the muffin cakes nicely.

Orange glaze:
1 1/2 T lemon juice
1 t orange zest
1/4 T butter
1/2 C powdered sugar

1. Combine powdered sugar with juice and microwave for 10 s, mix
2. Add the rest of the ingredients and microwave for 10 s, mix
3. Glaze away!

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